
Your body language shapes who you are

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are
Some experiments the speaker did  shows that your bodies change your minds, your minds can change your behavior, and your behavior can change your outcomes. Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes. Thus, Fake something you want till you become it. you can pretend it. However, don't fake something till you make it. You can try power posing, if you feel you want to escape from there or you're not supposed to be there or you have to be in an evaluative situation. You can try power posing in a privacy of room and only two minutes. It can significantly change the outcomes of your life.
1, How does body language affects the communication?
The body language affects the communication when you don't notice.
It harms not only other people but slso yourself. And then, the body language change your minds, and your minds can change your behavior, and your behavior can change your outcomes.
2, In your own opinion, why does nonverbal communication matter?
In my opinion, the nonverbal communication matter is that you're  likely affecting  somebody and yourself without you don't notice to harm.  It's already your bad habit.
3, How do power poses change the testosterone level and cortisol level in our mind?
Power poses change when the testosterone level increases and the cortisol level decreases in our mind.
4, How does our body language affect our success?
Our body language affects our success is by tiny tweaks.  It  can lead to big changes.  By faking something that is you feel  powerful,and  you became it.  It's not that you make it.
5, How does your posture actually affect you?
Posture like you close up or wrap yourself up or make yourself small affect you and you feel powerless.
However, if you spread out your arms, you can feel powerful.
6, Do you feel an increase/decrease of power after two minutes of these postures?
When do you feel you’re being evaluated the most? What kind of situations cause you to curl up?
Yes, I feel an increase of power after two minutes of these postures, because I often made myself smaller when I didn't have a confidence.
I feel I am being evaluated the most when I don't have confidence.
Bad things or mistakes are continuing many time, it makes me curl up.
1, Say something about this phrase: Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it
I love these words. I also really think that. I think that if I will pretend to do something well for a long peirod of time, it become a part of me. I don't need to pretend anymore. I continue it till I become it. I think that I can ues this way when I study English also.
2, Share your ideas as many as you can in this phrase: our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes
Sitting correctly in the class changes your minds strongly, your strong  minds can change to let you take part in the class well, it can lead to your success.
Smiling every day makes you happy
3, Tell what you know about gender age gap
What I know about gender age gap is that angry men look strong while angry women look ugly.
4, In your own idea, what do mean by this: tiny tweaks can lead to big changes?
You should appreciate even little things in your life every day, it will protect our earth.
Words in this story
evaluate / assess
mediating / serve
convinced /  make certain, persuade, satisfy,
unfold / spread

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