
Less stuff, more happiness

Less stuff, more happiness
There is a lot of stuff around us. We believed it was happy. However, the space we spend is smaller and stuff we don't use is increasing day by day.
The speaker suggests it will be better for you to use wider space than current. Less stuff and more space will be going to give you a littl more freedom and time. You can change your thoughts about your stuff.
Try to cut the extra stuff in your life, and learn to stem the inflow. Try to make space by organizing and digitizing while using magic words: small is sexy. Try to use multifunctional furnitures to make space. It will make you happier by using those ways .
1.Which thought do you believe in “Less stuff, more happiness” or “More stuff, more happiness”?
I believe in “Less stuff, more happiness” It's because I learned that I must use my stuff carefully from my mother in the past. Thus, I don't need something I don't use usually and I'm happy with my stuff I always use.
2.What are the essential stuffs or things around you that you need in daily living?
The essential stuffs or things around in my daily living are my computer and smart phone. I need those for my business and private.
3.Among three lessons presented in this video, which one are you willing to do?
I'm willing to cut the extra stuff in my life, and learn to stem the inflow.
It's because I learned that I must use my stuff carefully from my mother in the past. It doesn't bother me.
Words in this story
efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/ n, the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money
stem /stem/ v, to stop, check, or restrain.
digitize / ˈdɪdʒɪtaɪz/ v, to change data into a digital form that can be easily read and processed by a computer

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