
The art of asking

TED 2013
Amanda Palmer: The art of asking
At what kind of time do people pay the artists the money?
How do the artists make people pay for music?
These questions are wrong.
It'll happen when people naturally want to help other people and their trust is created, won't it?
The answers that people pay the artists the money are that its exchange is fair, creating a better connection and trust, asking help honestly without shame, and when people and the artists see each other.
Now, Internet helps them. However, it's a just tool, it is important to see each other but these are not understood by all people.
The speaker had successfully made through the crowdfunding. She knows the best encounter as an artist.
Words in this story
circus /ˈsɜr kəs/   curious /ˈkyʊər i əs/ eager to know or learn something.
serious /ˈsɪər i əs/ not joking, not intended to amuse.
vulnerable /vul·-ner·-a·-ble/ˈvʌl nər ə bəl/ susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. weak, helpless,
valuable /val·-u·-a·-ble/ˈvæl yu ə bəl, -yə bəl/ having qualities worthy of respect, admiration, or esteem.

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