
Shake up your story

TED 2011
Raghava KK: Shake up your story
In the world, there are many kinds of people and all their thoughts will be different.  So our perspective will be also different each other  but we have  biased views.  When you teach children multiple perspectives, they  will understand that people have biases. The speaker wants them to know it and have empathy, thus he created a children's book for the iPad. When you shake it, you can show a child that people have different perspectives while having fun. 
【About this video】
1. What do you think about the children’s book for the iPad in this movie?
I think that I want the children to grow by reading paperbacks and picture books at first. It will be their base of knowledge. I saw that a child was losing his temper, when he touched his mother's iPad which didn't move. Now also has a problem that we can't remember some words because we often use computers, we don't use pen and paper to remember something. That's why I want the children not to use computers at first and to know that reading paperbacks and using pen and paper are fun.
2. “Art and creativity are very essential tools in empathy.”Agree or Disagree?
I agree.
3. How the artist play a bigger role in shaping the society?
By drawing something, we can understand many things easy and well.
4. What could be the effect of this animation movie to the children?
The effect is to know some perspectives while having fun. 
1. What would you change about your childhood?
I wanted to be a strong person, because I often cried.
2. What did you like to do when you were a child?
I liked to play with  some dolls and read picture books when I was a child.
3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?
When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher or a business woman when I grow up.
Yesterday, I was sorry that I had mistaks paper bags.  it's paperbacks
Is our last class Monday?
1. Do you like reading books? If yes, is there a book that you have read more than once? if no, why not?
Yes, I do. Yes, there is. Many books are interesting. Picture books: Sleeping Beauty and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are even now interesting. I have read sometimes. Reading those in English is also better.
2. What factors are important to you when choosing a book to read? Please answer and explain why you think so.
 a. Reviews
 b. A Recommendation from a friend
 c. The design of the front cover
I choose letter b: A Recommendation from a friend, because after reading a book, we can discuss about it. It will make us understand more.
3. Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?
Yes, I do. It will give us power which we can think about many things.

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