
Remaking my voice

TED 2011
Roger Ebert: Remaking my voice
The speaker Roger Ebert is a film critic. Thus, in this story, some movies' stories were used. If you know those movies, there is no doubt that you have fun with the story.
The speaker lost his lower jaw and the abilities  that are eating, drinking and speaking because of surgeries for cancer. For almost people speaking is like breathing. No one knows when it's lost. It'll suddenly happen. However, we now live in the incredibly fortunate moment in history when we have intelligence and Internet. It gives us connection with other people by using words and communications. Computers created his voice and he remade and regained it. 
It might not be complete though he can communicate as well as before. He hopes that people who need a voice know that computers have quite progressed speaking system. Don't look away from illness and be alone. There is something that makes you happy and relieved.
Word in this story
regain / obtain possession or use of (something) again after losing it.
articulate / to speak fluently
interrupted / cut in. ruptured / break.

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