
Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

TED 2011
Pamela Meyer:  How to spot a liar (transcript)
According to studies, people may be lied to anywhere from 10 to 200 times and they are also liars. In fact, lying is a cooperative act. A lie has no power, when someone only said. At some point you got lied to, it's because you agreed to get lied to. And then, we're against lying, but we're covertly for it. We lie to protect ourselves also. So in our world, deception is epidemic. The crux of lying is that everyone is willing to give you something, when you'll get your desires. Lying is created by your desires that you hate to admit. Lying bridges a gap between your desires to your reality.
If you don't want to be deceived, you have to know what it is and you have to ask trained liespotters to find the lies. liespotters rely on human tools though there are no real original liars. There are good liars and bad liars, they all make the same mistakes and use the same techniques. Science also helps you more.
We're essentially against lying. We can combine the science and human tools to recognize deception. Now, our world becomes in much noisier, because of the internet. Thus, we explicitly have to show our moral code. We have to do that our world is an honest, truth is strengthened and falsehood is recognized. We make the world where the lies have no power.
An addition: what are the signs of lies?
liars will unconsciously distance themselves from their subject, using language as their tool.
They will repeat the question in its entirety, and pepper their account with a little too much detail.
They are freezing, look you in the eyes. It's not true: liars fidget all the time and won't look you in the eyes.
They will shift their blink rate, point their feet towards an exit. They'll alter their vocal tone, often making their vocal tone much lower.
If you want to find them, don't be too aggressive. If you ask them some hard questions more in a relaxed atmosphere, with dignity and during making them feel close to you.

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