
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie : The danger of a single story

I wrote this without seeing my previous summary that was written in November 2016. It's as follows.
Is my writing skill improving?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie at TEDGlobal 2009
The danger of a single story (transcript)
A New Summary
I thought that this story has nothing to do with me though it's wrong. It always happens around me.
Other countries’ people think that Japan is a wealthy country, Japanese people think that politicians do only bad things, and l think that people think always do opposite things that I think show the danger of a single story.
People just think that a single story strongly and doubtlessly and they continue to tell it unconsciously. It will create stereotypes and the problem with stereotypes. It might be true, but it’s incomplete.
Like one story becomes the only story that shows all and it has the power that robs people of dignity.
People can't recognize our humanity and feel about the difference between themselves and others.
This is certainly our recent world.
Many stories matter.
We have to know that stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also repair that broken dignity.
Believing only a single story is dangerous.

Previous Summary
What is authentically African? Is the answer that people don't drive cars but they are starving?
Reading books is very fun. However, people are too affected by one story to think other things. Especially, the only negative stories are believed. Moreover, it creates stereotypes but it makes one story become the only story. If one area or one person has terrible stories, they have other stories that are not about catastrophe. A single story robs the dignity of people and the recognition of human equality. It emphasizes how people are different rather than how people are similar.
Stories have great influences. Many stories matter. Stories can be used to empower and to humanize more. It can repair something like broken dignity.
In Africa, there are stories that people have a very happy childhood, full of laughter and love. There is never a single story in the world.

That's all.
I thought that my new summary was used more adverbs and examples that didn't appear in the article. What do you think?

Words in this story
dispossess /verb/  rob,
malign /verb/  defame, slander
empower /verb/ give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
humanize /verb/ make (something) more humane or civilized.

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