
Steven Pinker 1: Human nature and the blank slate

Steven Pinker at TED2003
Human nature and the blank slate  (transcript)
I understood why l thought that this was a difficult story to write a summary. It's because I didn't want to understand and accept. Probably, people must think that also.
We suspect that the human mind is a blank slate.
We want to think that all of our structure comes from socialization, culture, parenting, and experience.
However, we want to have absolute proof of the bond with family. And then it's won.
I don't want to be my mother.
I think that I have many differences between my mother and me now, however, what is it?
However, I know that I often do and say like my mother had done and said.
I just hope that I have my parents' gift though it doesn't open blossoms.

Words in this story
blossom /verb/ˈbläsəm/ (of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.
blank /adj/ (of a surface or background) unrelieved by decorative or other features; bare, empty, or plain.
slate /noun/ slāt/ a fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces.

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