
Amishi Jha : How to tame your wandering mind

Amishi Jha at TEDxCoconutGrove 2018
How to tame your wandering mind  (transcript)
I thought that the speaker’s suggestion was very difficult in the TED talk because we have to notice our wandering mind under high-stresses more. Pay attention to our attention to tame our own wandering mind. Its training will make you strong.

Sometimes we notice that is our attention is distracted. However, it happens frequently and unconsciously.
The speaker called it that our mind is an exquisite time-traveling master like the music player.
We rewind the mind to past or let it go to future and frequently without our awareness, even if we pay attention and it's even worse under stresses.

However, she learned that the opposite of stressed and wandering mind is a mindful one. Mindfulness works with paying attention to our present-moment experience with awareness and can be trained by our daily mindfulness exercises. We can avoid our wandering mind. If we don't do anything at all, attention declines.
Exercising our mindfulness under small things or daily stresses every day leads you to protecting against adversity.

Words in this story
mindfulness /noun/ the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
distract /verb/ disturb
exquisite /adj/  beautiful, lovely
rewind /verb/ wind (a tape or film) back to the beginning.
mindful /adj/ conscious or aware of something. aware, conscious, sensible, alive, alert
perspective /noun/ outlook, prospect
perceptive /adj/ having or showing sensitive insight.
prospective /adj/ future, prospective

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