
What Does VUCA Really Mean?

Forbes (article)
What Does VUCA Really Mean?
A few days ago, I heard that a book written about VUCA was published in Japan thus I chose the article and I really expected that l could understand it and the word was used in my everyday life soon or when I worked. However, those elements are too negative to be used in the businesses so I've had more questions.
The four elements of VUCA are  Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.
The meaning of the words is simple thus those refer to instability, unpredictability, difficulty, and indecisiveness, though, in the scene of businesses, the world is always changing fast and then predict, analyze, and interpret are also hard.
The writer tells us that this is the overall mindset strategy of the businesses only.
My understandings are that the VUCA world is always changing fast more than people who include great economists think and say, thus their predict, analyze, and interpret must be uncertain and there are no absolute right things.  Do you have better strategies in such uncontrollable environments?

Words in this story
indecisiveness /noun/ uncertainty, vacillation
indecisive /adj/ not settling an issue

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