
Rogier van der Heide : Why light needs darkness

Rogier van der Heide at TEDxAmsterdam  (transcript)
Why light needs darkness
Indeed, different light conditions create an environment that is never boring, never dull, and it seems to help us enhance our lives because the human eye turns out to be remarkably adaptable to them.

When we get up in the morning, it's said to get sunshine is important.
Before we go to bed, it's said that it's not good to see blue light. Our bodies' rhythm seems to be created by rising sun and sleeping in dark spaces.
Those can be created by not only the sun but also light and without proper darkness, there is no good lighting which is for our health and well-being. Only bright cities use much energy and make birds disoriented.
Light needs darkness.

Words in this story
ambiance /noun/ atmosphere, mood
enhance /verb/ increase, improve, raise the value of

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