
Manoush Zomorodi : How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas

TED 2017
Manoush Zomorodi : How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas (transcript)
I think that the title is not easy to understand because people really like to use their phones and smartphones when they feel bored. Their boring time has already turned their brilliant time. This was my joke.
The boredom of the title means a boring time you think, for example, those are the time when you are washing dishes, folding laundry or doing nothing in particular. You will think that your brain can take a break though, in fact, your brain gets really busy.  
You get bored called default mode and you start daydreaming and allow your mind to really wander. You can think beyond the conscious and into the subconscious.  
So the default mode can only connect disparate ideas.
Using your phones when you get bored is depleting your neural resources. Your brain has to engage a neurochemical switch that uses up nutrients in the brain to accomplish that when you shift your attention from one thing to another every time. The people who have a short time to sleep or who are stressed or who check Facebook tend to shift their attention more rapidly. Your phones are extremely useful though it's dangerous if you're not handling it properly.
The speaker realizes that she has been spending a lot of time on her phone and she tells us to measure it. Then using applications and with the people who want to reduce time to spend their phones, she challenged them.
Among them, ninety percent cut down on their minute, they told that they slept better and they got more time to think. The challenge was really hard though this was the time: “Bored and Brilliant”.
So you feel a little bit bored but you don't use your phone called the default mode can only connect disparate ideas. By doing nothing, you can be your most productive and creative self. It might feel weird and uncomfortable at first though boredom truly can lead to brilliance You need to teach your kids this digital literacy.

Words in this story
boredom / noun/ the state of feeling bored.  weariness, ennui, apathy, unconcern
bored /adj/ feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.
bore /noun/ the hollow part inside a gun barrel or other tube.
bore /verb/ drill, make (a hole) in something, especially with a revolving tool.
make one's way through (a crowd). make (someone) feel weary and uninterested by tedious talk or dullness.
withdrawal /  retreat, the action of withdrawing something.

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