
Caitlin Quattromani & Lauran Arledge : How our friendship survives our opposing politics

TED 2017
Caitlin Quattromani & Lauran Arledge : How our friendship survives our opposing politics (transcript)
Probably, everyone would be looking forward to such article because almost all people had feelings of hostility and disrespect against opposing politics during this US presidential election. Then you might not make up with someone even nowadays.
In fact, we are regular friends who just think very differently about politics and the role that government should play in our lives. Then you know that we were all taught not to talk about politics because it's not polite.
However, we need to be able to talk about it because it's important to us and our children and it's part of who we are. Even when you disagree, trying to be willing to listen to one another and putting aside your ego and your preconceived ideas. You can understand that the political goal isn't to win.
The goal is to listen to someone who is outside of your political party and who avoid a political conversation. To understand them and to be open to learning something new. When your child honestly asks you, “Why would people vote for Trump,but we love them?”
We need to learn more to have a good answer and our family, children and our country.
"We think that that is the right direction for this country".

Words in this story
bipartisan / of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.
collide /verb/  crash into, hit, strike, hit with force when moving.
divisive / tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

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