
Weird, or just different?

Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?
I was very surprised because the speaker knows about Japan very well and he greeted the end in Japanese, that's why I chose this article.
When you have or hear something which you think that it is not true or strange, that may be the ideas you only just don't know or realize that it is true and the opposite. So the speaker recommends for you to think that the opposite may be true.  It will make you a bit happy.
See my right side!, the sun is rising! However, we are sitting face to face. The sun is rising from your left side.
1. Are you open enough to accept ideas that are opposite to yours?  Please explain your answer.
I don't know, because I want to know the idea well before I accept it.  It sometimes needs to discuss or takes for a long time. It doesn't mean for me not to accept all opposite ideas immediately, but other people must think I don't open enough to accept ideas that is opposite to mine.
2. Did you ever find yourself in the middle of an argument due to having opposite ideas? Please explain your answer.
No, I didn't, because an argument or opposite ideas around me are only to seek benefits or be able to explain something well.  I love something to realize or to think opposite ideas. When I realize a good idea such like the speaker told us, it makes me very happy. However, it doesn't come in the middle of an argument.
No, I didn't, because an argument or opposite ideas around me are only to seek benefits or not accept my idea or if someone explains things beneficial to all.  I love realizing or thinking the opposite ideas. When I realize a good idea such like the speaker told us, it makes me feel very happy. However, it doesn't come in the middle of an argument.
3. When can you consider an idea to be brilliant?
After the discussion, I can  often realize an idea to be brilliant. It means that it is important to discuss the idea but I don't realize an idea to be brilliant under discussion. After that, when the discussion will be summraized in my brain and I will relax, I can consider an idea to be brilliant.
4. Upon reading the article, do you think that the differences we have in the world could stop us from having a good communication or having a good relationship among others?
No, I think that there are the differences we have in the world that's why war or fight will occur. It is very difficult to have a good communication or a good relationship, especially, over the country, race and religion. People won't be able to accept all things.
5. Is it easy for you to acknowledge other people’s ideas? Why or why not?
No, it isn't. People lie and seek only for their own benefits, that's why it is not easy for me to acknowledge other people’s ideas.
6. What are the other customs from other country that you know? Is it good/bad for you? Why?
Although I don't know that it is good or bad, Japanese people bow when they say "Thank you" ("Arigatou Gozaimasita") or "I am sorry" ("Suimasen") However, my English teachers are not Japanese, they don't do that. First, I felt it was strange but it is the custom from another country.

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