
Gaming can make a better world, Lesson1

Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world, Lesson1
The speaker has a goal for the next decade and that is to try making something to save the world in real life easily like online games.
Thus, she said that she wants people to play cames more.
It is because they achieve more in game worlds than real world. When they face failure or confront obstacles in real world, they feel anxious and overwhelmed. It takes them a lot of time to overcome it but in game world, they get up after the failure and try again. they keep having good motivation and cooperation.
She said that this can be used for solving world problems.
1.Do you think gaming can make a better world?
No, I don't. It is because I somehow understood her way of thinking, but all game designers won't think that. They will create other games. And then I think that people who are playing games won't have goals. If they have something, its thought will be wanting to just win games.  It is difficult for it to change to make a better world.
2.In your whole life, did you ever feel an epic win? What kind of facial expression did you have during that moment of epic win? Show it to your teacher.
No, I didn't ever feel an epic win. However, I have something premonition or thoughts came to me. When it is something good, my eyes will open widely  and shine brightly .
3.Did you ever use the “I’m not Good at Life” face before? What instances have you had this facial expression?
Yes, I noticed this time that I often used its face, even if it doesn't matter much. However, I want to change it.

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