
Michael Bierut 1: How to design a library that makes kids want to read

Michael Bierut at TEDNYC 2017
How to design a library that makes kids want to read  (transcript)
I like and love this kind of story.
First, the reason why I love this is that the title is good because not a person but a thing that is a library makes kids want to read, but it's made by a person. Something that a person made changes someone's life. It means that there is a beautiful library there, thus kids who, of course, love books, but who don't like books also can feel that they want to go there and they can spend with books.
Second is that this is a consequence intended. The speaker's intention is that not he is a great guy but people become to love a library.
The job should be that not you feel really good about yourself but consequences are important.
Although only one room is fixed, the children can improve their school lives. I thought that the thoughts that a new library where children could talk and made loud noises were better.

In this TED talk, colorful libraries were created. I couldn't imagine that shelves are red or green or yellow in Japanese libraries where walls should be white. It couldn't have beautiful pictures that were like students smile.
Japanese libraries and schools should be the image that is the statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou.

beautiful shelves for holding books

Elementary Schools in Osaka where I used to go                     the statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou


The image of Japanese library

We have to study there like the statue that is reading a book while walking and shouldering firewood.
Last, this story has one more great consequence, the speaker says that a consequence is unintended, though.
Not only the library made kids want to read but also it gave a librarian inspiration to work.

My opinion is that first intention is not healthy in our world. People just want to take their own credit and benefits. It won't happen and lead to better things.
What is the true intention you do that for?

Words in this story
impractical /adj/ unrealistic, unworkable
humiliate /verb/ embarrass, mortify, humble, shame, make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly.
consequence /noun/  result, outcome, effect
intend /verb/ have (a course of action) as one's purpose or objective or plan

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