
David Rockwell : The hidden ways stairs shape your life

David Rockwell at Small Thing Big Idea
The hidden ways stairs shape your life  (transcript)
I'm puzzled by cultural differences of stairs. I thought that the roles of a stair are to get from point A to B different elevations and to lead people safely only in disaster. It's because in Tokyo, Japan, most people don't want to use stirs at stations and their apartments. Even if an elevator and an escalator are crowded, people get in line there. They feel blue not when they see that it's crowded but there is only a stair. Thus stairs are hidden in itself and in disaster, people are compelled to use a stair because an elevator and an escalator stop by electricity failure.

However, in the TED talk, a stir is a form of art in itself, stairs can add enormous drama and emotion in people's lives.  The stoop of there are stairs is a place that invites neighbors to gather, blast music, and watch the city in motion, so in the beautiful movies:  Cinderella,  Beauty and the beast, and Frozen, stairs definitely appear. Standing and sitting on a stair might mean that you're in a kind of magical place.

This story says that beautiful ways are hidden in stairs, where Japan says that stairs are hidden in themselves because people feel blue when they see stairs.
It really shapes our life, doesn't it?

Words in this story
cultural /adj/ of or relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society.
culture /noun/ the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
malleable /adj/ flexible, pliable, elastic

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