
His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone

His Holiness Pope Francis:
Why the only future worth building includes everyone (script)
In this year 2017, the title of TEDtalk is "The Future You". The speaker is Pope Francis who is Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Why the only future worth building includes everyone is that life flows through our relations whit others. Future is made of not only you but also encounters. Life is about interactions.
1) When we don't lock our door to the outside world and the whole is harmonized with each single component, we can overcome our big problems and happiness can be discovered.
2) In our world, the growth of scientific and technological innovation can come along with more equality and social inclusion. It will come from a true solidarity. It is a free response bone from the heart of each. When you understand that love is the source and meaning of life, you can't stop urging to do good to another fellow being.
3) Thinking about tenderness. We have to innovate our tenderness. It's not weakness but even the power have to be used with humility and tenderness. It protects from hurting yourself and people around you. The future is in your hand when you recognize the other as "you" and themselves as part of an "us". Life is about interactions.
Words in this story
inclusion /  the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure
harmonize / add notes to (a melody) to produce harmony
tenderness / gentleness and kindness
mankind /  humanity, human beings considered collectively, the human race
irreplaceable / unable to be replaced

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