
Andrew Solomon 1: Love, no matter what

Andrew Solomon 1: Love, no matter what (script)
The love you have for your children is like no other feeling in the world, and until you have children, you don't know what it's like.
So parents love their children whoever or whatever they are. It is not changed everywhere, even if there are situations that you think are difficult or that you mourn over. The situations are, for example, a parent whose kid has autism, a dwarf,  who has a child with down syndrome or a family of a convicted murder.
You mourn over them, you pray for a cure and you wish that their existence is eliminated but it's exchanged with someone though parents don't think that. They don't want to be cured, changed of eliminated. They want to be whoever it is that they are. They say that they wouldn't give them up for anything in the world.  If they lost their children, it would be a catastrophic loss.
They don't think of their kids never been born. They, parents can love their children with their flaws and strong effective will.
Sometimes, it might take time to accept the situations though there is an unconditional love throughout the relationship between a parent and a child.  This is such strange love in which you can fall into naturally when you become a parent.
Words in this story
convict /  find guilty, sentence
convince / persuade
lethal /  mortal, deadly
lineage / pedigree, family line, system

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