
TED Prize 2009 Jill Tarter: Join the SETI search

TED 2009
TED Prize 2009 Jill Tarter: Join the SETI search (script)
Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence is called the SETI which uses the tools of astronomy to try and find evidence of someone else's technology out there. Out there means opposite side where you think there is someone who looks at the sky the same stars which you look up to. You are you who live here, here.
The nearest galaxy to us is 2.5 million light years. It means any signal we detect would have started its journey a long time ago. You might not see its result while you live but if you work together from now, you might see the detection of the first extraterrestrial signal. And then, the thoughts give us that we are not the pinnacle of evolution. We are a small part of the story of cosmic evolution. Something happens here is the small thing that we can't understand. From out there, we actually all belong to only one tribe which is Earthlights. The perspective of humans on this planet might be changed, even if SETI does not find anything. It should be continued.
The discovery of intelligent life beyond Earth would eradicate the loneliness and solipsism, that has plagued our species since its inception. And it wouldn't simply change everything, it would change everything all at once.
Wird in this story
terrestrial / of, on, or relating to the earth.
solipsism / the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
inception / the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.  beginning, commencement, start, birth.

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