
TED Prize 2008 Dave Eggers My wish: Once Upon a School

TED 2008
TED Prize 2008 Dave Eggers My wish: Once Upon a School (script)
Could you nicely do your homework when you were a student?
How about your sons and daughters? They will be addicted to video games and TV or they couldn't concentrate at home. They also have to do English homework even if their family couldn't speak English. Then teachers have to deal with so many problems. It's because teachers have to work hard for their students keeping up at grade level but some of them have learning disabilities and very often are the under foundation. Nowadays they have five classes of 30 to 40 students each. They don't have time to work with the students one on one.
However, the speaker thought that someone who is not a teacher can probably be one on one attention. For example, writers, editors, journalists, graduated students, and assistant professors who have sort flexible daily hours and an interest in English. And then he connected them and city's students, so to be shared their office or its next door with a tutoring center. They're working there, at 2:30 pm, the students go there and they give their hours in the afternoon to the students in the neighborhood. They work a little bit later. The students can receive one to one guidance there. They can get one grade level higher and above all, they can finish their homework before they come back home. It leads them to having a courage and connecting to city's adults. Not only their problems but city's problems are able to be solved by its community. In your city, children are fine that means your city is fun. You can also create the community in your city. There're many things that you can help children and your city which you can change. You know that it's important to do the homework with one to one guidance of which the places is needed in your city.
Words in this story
flexible / capable of bending easily without breaking.
evangelical / of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.
sterile / not able to produce children or young.
untenable / (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.

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