
Wendy De La Rosa : Why talking to your friends can help you save money

Wendy De La Rosa·Your Money and Your Mind
Why talking to your friends can help you save money

Humans’ thoughts are really strange. Even if someone focusly explains about saving money to reduce energy consumption, it’s not effective. The most effective message was “The majority of your neighbors are undertaking energy-saving actions every day.” 

You mustn’t want to pay taxes, though, you will pay willingly, and soon after you hear that your neighbors pay their taxes on time.  

Around us, it’s taboo to talk about money, especially saving money, though, like examples, if we hear that your neighbors save money sometimes, you must feel that you might be able to do that and you can start it easy soon. It must be really easy because we want to do the same things that our neighbors do. Like when your friend bought a pretty cloth, you will buy it. This time, your neighbors are saving money effectively. 

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