
Patty McCord : 4 lessons the pandemic taught us about work, life and balance

 Patty McCord·TED Salon: DWEN
4 lessons the pandemic taught us about work, life and balance 
We are suffering because of the pandemic, and we always ask about when we could go back and if we want to go back soon. Working from home is especially tough for not only employees but also employers. 
The speaker asked us if we didn't go back to the office. Her answer was surprising. The answer is that we can go forward and rethink the way we work and it’s good to become better. 
The way we learned during the pandemic were really great things that we didn’t realize for a long time. 
The keys are that employers have to understand that employees are the members of the company like the family and employees’ families become also the members of the company. We have to work as a team. 1)
Those members have responsibilities as family members and they should be adults. 2)
The team needs to practice. The result doesn’t appear soon, though, it should be clear. 3)
Working well needs to have conversations. 4)
Think about what worked and what didn’t work at the end of the day. 

You know what?
We don’t need to go back to the office. The way we used to do it not only is not the way of the future but we’re discovering so many wonderful things right now. 

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