
Elizabeth Cox : What is a coronavirus?

Elizabeth Cox·TED-Ed
What is a coronavirus?
I was surprised that for almost a DECADE, scientists seemed to chase the source of a deadly new virus through China’s tallest mountains and most isolated caverns. However, this time, many people died because of coronaviruses, most of the countries cooperated to protect them by lockdown and not going out, though.
The reason is that mutations occur when a virus replicates. This is a mistake, it often occurs but it’s useless, though, it’s sometimes harmful to humans.
The story tells us that a coronavirus has a unique feature: an enzyme that checks for replication errors and corrects mistakes. It makes a coronavirus much more stable, with a slower mutations rate more than other viruses. However, mutations can make a virus less recognizable to our immune system. After all, we need a new flu vaccine every year.

Now, there’s never been an approved treatment or vaccine for a coronavirus and we don’t know how long our bodies remain immune to different a coronavirus. In the past, scientists began developing treatments for SARS and MERS, the epidemics ended before those treatments completed clinical trials.

For a coronavirus, I've heard that clinical trials would start,  though, before completing, the epidemics will end, won’t they?

Words in this story
mutation /noun/ change, alteration
RNA /ribonucleic acid/ coronavirus store their genes on RNA. All viruses are either RNA viruses or DNA viruses.

He starts to wear his mask!

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