
Seth Berkley : HIV and flu — the vaccine strategy

Seth Berkley at TED2010  (transcript)
HIV and flu - the vaccine strategy
For understanding the article, it'll be better to summarize the fundamental knowledge of vaccines.
1, In our bodies, we have the immune system to protect against disease. When we are living, our body is called an organism that rejects invasions of antigens that are foreign substances. This is the immune response.

2, Infectious diseases are caused by the growth of pathogenic organisms in the body. HIV and flu are infectious diseases but in our bodies, those antigens are increasing and weaken the immune system also.

3, A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. Surprisingly, making a vaccine requires taking a pathogen first, by injection it into our bodies, we are pre-immunized, pre-trained to recognize and defeat specific pathogens, even if we have no natural immunity.  Its change is that our bodies can make antibodies to recognize and neutralize a specific invader.

4, However, the challenge of HIV and flu viruses is that those are always changing. It's a mutation.  It means that antibodies made by injecting a vaccine become impossible to recognize and neutralize pathogens. 1)
A new virus can jump from birds into humans 2) furthermore a virus of a human, avian and swine mixture appears. 3)

5, Continuing studying new vaccines requires much money and time, however, vaccines create antibodies to protect us, it leads our societies to protecting and it can protect some people who can't use vaccines also.

6, The study is continuing, broadly neutralizing antibodies are now being made and the cost is decreasing by stopping using eggs.

Including those are the vaccine strategy.  We also have to have correct knowledge of vaccines and not only protecting an individual but also protecting each other means other countries' people,  researchers, and companies.

Words in this story
alteration /noun/ change, modification
mutation /noun/ mutate /verb/ change, variation, changing, transition, alteration
antibody /noun/ protein in the blood which reacts to infectious agents
immunity /noun/ condition of being insusceptible to a disease; exemption, freedom, protection.
antigen /noun/ foreign substance which stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into a living organism
neutralize /verb/ render (something) ineffective or harmless by applying an opposite force or effect.

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