
Stewart Brand 6 : Mammoths resurrected, geoengineering and other thoughts from a futurist

Stewart Brand and Chris Anderson at TED 2017
Mammoths resurrected, geoengineering and other thoughts from a futurist  (transcript)
"The whole story is more interesting than these fragmentary stories",  the speaker said. However, it is difficult for us to think and understand so we must think about one part or one side always, then we try to decide whether it is correct or no now.

We humans expect Mammoths resurrected. Probably, we must expect to resurrect ourselves.

In geoengineering, we have the same thought. We are worried about climate change though we use energies unchangeably.
Even genetically engineered food crops in geoengineering can help many people from hunger, we don’t want to eat them.

The speaker is an environmental futurist.
A futurist means a scientist or a social scientist whose specialty is the attempt to systematically explore predictions and possibilities about the future and how those can emerge from the present.

My understanding from his stories is that humans potentially think about only eternal life like Gog. If current medical progress can continue, eternal life must apply to humans.
However, it won't happen during a period of our life, but like his thought: to create a timepiece that can count down the next 10,000 years, it is important.

It is important to challenge something that you never see it succeed whether you know it or not.

Words in this story
resurrect /verb/ restore (a dead person) to life.
unchangeably / constantly, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, forever
eternal life / immortality
counterculture / a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.
nuisance /noun/ annoyance

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