
Ron Finley : A guerilla gardener in South Central LA

Ron Finley at TED 2013
A guerilla gardener in South Central LA  (transcript)
I was sorry that I thought why it's not better to pop up dialysis centers. In the city, people have cars, there are streets that can be driven a lot of cars, and people can go to fast food shops soon.

Are those better things that the city planners changed the city?

There are many cars means that a lot of car accidents occur and automobile emissions give an evil influence to people who don't use cars. To be able to go fast food shops soon means that the obesity rate is high, then people need dialysis centers.

The important for the city is not by using cars, people can buy food and go to hospitals soon but the food system that people can keep being healthy.

All people in the city can eat fresh delicious fruit and vegetables with cheaper price or free. Children can know vegetables' names. People cooperate in the community and they have jobs to have to do for people and work voluntarily in the city.

A guerilla is an irregular soldier that uses guerrilla warfare, harassing the enemy by surprise raids, sabotaging communication and supply lines.

The speaker attacked lands owned by the city by planting fresh delicious fruit and vegetables like guerillas get.

By 900 signatures, the city's councilman was also in favor of the planting. 
The speaker is a cool gardener who plants vegetables, who changes not only the food system in the city but the whole city and who thinks about people in the city sincerely.

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