
Daniel Kahneman : The riddle of experience vs. memory

TED 2010
Daniel Kahneman : The riddle of experience vs. memory (transcript)
I knew that the speaker published some books about behavioral economics.
Economics is to deal with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind and to study it. It’s said that people preferentially and rationally think about their benefit.
However, people’s actions have been irrational. The speaker forces it.
He is a psychologist, a founder of behavioral economics and was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
He declared that economics should be mixed with people's actions, their emotions, and environment because of their irrationality. This is the new economics called behavioral economics.
Then he says that people aren't able to perceive their happiness unfortunately because of several cognitive traps. People are reluctant to admit complex things about happiness that is not a useful word. 1) They confuse between experience and memory 2) but they focus illusions. 3)
Those become the cognitive traps of human beings. When we think about our happiness, we can't think about the distinction between the happiness of the experiencing selves and the satisfaction of the remembering selves and also we can't think about them without disturbing. Our experiments turn our remembrance continuously. At that moment, it's not being confirmed. Between them, there is in conflict but they are really different. All things depend on how you think, and on whether you think of the remembering self or you think of the experiencing self.
However, among them, there are some types of laws and to study it is behavioral economics.
It will take a while and be necessary to be debated.

Words in this story
riddle /  puzzle, enigma
behavioral economics / a method of economic analysis that applies psychological insights into human behaviour to explain economic decision-making.
preferential /adj/ of or involving preference or partiality; constituting a favor or privilege.
reluctant / unwilling,

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