
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story

TEDGlobal 2009
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story  (script)
What is authentically African? Is the answer that people don't drive cars but they are starving?
Reading books is very fun. However, people are too affected from one story to think other things. Especially, the only negative stories are believed. Moreover, it creates stereotypes but it makes one story become the only story. If one area or one person has terrible stories, they have other stories that are not about catastrophe. The single story robs the dignity of people and the recognition of human equality. It emphasizes how people are different rather than how people are similar.
Stories have great influences. Many stories matter. Stories can be used to empower and to humanize more. It can repair something like broken dignity.
In Africa, there are stories that people have a very happy childhood, full of laughter and love. There is never a single story in the world.
Words in this story
stereotype / prejudice
dignity / the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
eager /  longing, yearning, wishing, hoping
matter / importance, consequence, significance

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