
Bill Gates1, Mosquitos, malaria and education

TED 2009
Bill Gates1, Mosquitos, malaria and education (script)
Somehow, this Japanese title is the current activities of Bill Gates.  Why malaria and education aren't used, although there two things are his current activities. One is to stop a deadly disease: malaria. It can cut the childhood deaths dramatically.  Next is how education makes better. Why this problem should be solved is that education is the most important thing to get right for the county. It's because countries should have the skills to create strong countries and to solve other problems for our future.
As we know, our world has a lot of problems. Of course, they don't get worked on nationally. In fact, the market, the scientists, the communications, and even the governments don't pick them in the right way. The private sector and the system of society don't naturally put something into them. Those problems need skills to solve. Bill Gates said that people who can pay attention to them and who can care and draw other people in them, only such people can progress them forward.  He optimistically thinks about them, because by cooperating with brilliant people and you,  some great things will come to our world. It'll draw other people more and more.
Words in this story
afflicted /  trouble, burden, distress, cause suffering to
expertise /  skill, skillfulness
diversity / variety,

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