
Dan Ariely 4: What makes us feel good about our work?

TEDxRiodelaPlata 2012
Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? (script)
We have a view that people only care about money, when we think how people work. Giving them it can make them work. However, you can see something that cannot be explaind. There's all kinds of strange behaviors in the world.
In fact, there's all kinds of other things that raise or down motivations for us without giving money to work or or behave in all kinds of ways.
Whether the action you do is worth or not and is checked or not. Whether it is your favorite or not. They are important. Doing a same work many times over and over, it downs motivation. There is not enough effort involves, it means so easy, it doesn't give people happiness.
And then, we think that something we create is the best. However, other people also think that each other. Thus we can't see things their way, but we don't notice that.
In the past, in the Industrial Revolution, efficiency was more important. However, our situation is changed. We know that motivation and payment are not the same things. We can use how to create our own meaning, pride and motivation from now. It leads us to being more productive and happier.
Words in this story
perspective /noun/ view, viewpoint,
perception /noun/ sense
precise /adj/ exact, accurate, correct,
prosper /verb/ thrive

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