
Why we do what we do

Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do
The speaker believes emotion is the force of life. It's invisible force of the internal drive. Everyone has great minds. If you get the right emotion, you can get yourselves to do anything.
The decision of emotion has the ultimate power. The decisions shape destiny. You consciously decide what to focus and  you must give it meaning. It produces emotion which creates what you're going to do or the action.
The decisions are influenced by human needs and your map which is the belief operating system that tells you how to get your target. 
The needs are universal though the target and map are different about people. Everyone needs certainty, uncertainty, significance, connection, love, growing and contribution. They are trying to meet the same needs of significance or love, they have a different map. If you think that you can't get your target, at the end, your emotion drives you. 
What shapes you is not your past. Now again, explore where you are and where your needs, beliefs and emotions that are controlling you. You'll achieve and contribute more.  It'll be the only way your world's going to change.
Words in this story
motive / a ​reason for doing something.
inspiration / someone or something that gives you ​ideas for doing something.
ultimate /  being or happening at the end of a process,final.
conscious / awake
certainty /noun/ the sure knowledge that something is true.
bawl /  shout, yell
accurate / exact, correct, right
debate / discuss, argue
intersect /  cross,  join, mix
internal vs external

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