
How great leaders inspire action, Lesson3

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action, Lesson3
There is a tipping point for everything to suddenly spread quickly among a large number of people. It has the law of diffusion of innovation and all things are placed at various times on this scale. It can show as population that first 2.5 percent people become innovators, the next 13.5 percent is early adopters, the next 34 percent is early majority and the rest is late majority and laggards.
If you want mass market success or mass market acceptance of an idea, you have to achieve this tipping point between 15 and 18 percent market penetration, and system tips.
If something you believe attract someone and it achieves this tipping point, it will suddenly spread.
This is a situation that people have started doing something what they believe. They understood not what they do, but why they do it. This has the power that can inspire people.
1.Who comes in to your mind among your friends or colleagues when you say – innovator, adopter, early majority and late majority?
The first thing that came to my mind when I say innovator, adopter, early majority, and late majority are my customers.
2.Do you always want to be among the people who try out something new before it reaches tipping point?
No, I don't. It's because I don't think that I want to follow the trend of all things.
3.Do you know any product or service that hasn't reach tipping point? What is this product and how do you think it will reach tipping point?
I think that in Japan, when TV shows some products, it will suddenly  spread. However, people will forget soon those products. Is it different tipping point?  hahaha:D

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