
Christiana Figueres and Chris Anderson : How we can turn the tide on climate

Christiana Figueres and Chris Anderson·Countdown

How we can turn the tide on climate


This was a countdown campaign held last year to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, by spreading coronavirus, this year, on October 10th, 2020, they couldn’t gather like this video, though, a lot of new messages were posted. It’s because our actions can’t delay and it’s an emergency. 1.5 degrees Celsius will bring more extreme weather, rising sea levels, water shortages in some regions, threats to food security, biodiversity, and etc. It’ll spread all around the world. Now, changing our actions and customs is not sacrificing something but it’s about co-creating a much better future for all of us, thus we have to change. This understanding has to be known by all people. The event hopes that many people know about the reality, join, and act with them.

P.S. I was really glad that I could watch a Japanese man who is, Hiro Mizuno, introduced as the world’s largest pension found for the program with other great members who are Al Gore, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. Our earth should be beautiful forever for all creatures can live safely and securely and for this, it's needed our actions and money.

Words in this story

tide / a powerful surge of feeling or trend of events

initiative/ the ability to assess and initiate things independently

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