
Christiane-Marie Abu Sarah : How do daily habits lead to political violence?

Christiane-Marie Abu Sarah·TEDxSMU

How do daily habits lead to political violence


This was a great story because it told us that the things that we gave up would be able to be changing. The speaker tells us that our future depends on us being able to find common ground with the other side. It comes from retraining our brain and stop contributing to violence ecologies.

People strongly believe that the differences are culture, it’s embedded, and it’s not changing, though, it’s wrong, it’s not biologically fixed, and it’s learned behavior. When we trust bad information, we’re going to make bad divisions. Just, we have always put ourselves into groups or we only think that we share nothing in common with that person and they’re different than us. It can be changed by learning. Whether you will take part in violent demos or not comes from studying, learning, and training. And then our daily habit that is seeing each other as just members of something, it leads to political violence, should be stopped. We have differences that are beautiful and important. We are the same human.

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