
Jane Goodall : What separates us from chimpanzees?

Jane Goodall·TED2003
What separates us from chimpanzees?
What separates us from chimpanzees? The sophisticated spoken language makes us so different from chimpanzees. We believe it strongly and the speaker knows it so far.

However, she who is a naturalist studying chimpanzees declares that it’s our arrogance. Over 40 years, she was studying chimpanzees and found that they had voices, emotions, capable of true compassion, and could start to make and use tools for a specific purpose. It was thought that only humans used and made tools. If we could continue to study wild animals...

They were suddenly disappearing because humans took out oil, timber, lands, forests and etc.

After all, what the speaker found was that it was getting wuzzier and there isn’t a sharp line dividing humans from the rest of the animal kingdom.

What separates us from chimpanzees? It’s very wuzzy.

Humans have sophisticated spoken languages that can be used for coexisting with animals. The speaker transformed into an activist to teach it to children to protect animals.

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