
Lawrence Lessig : Re-examining the remix

Lawrence Lessig·TEDxNYED
Re-examining the remix
Before Trump administration coming, the story seemed to be told so in the title, the remix must mean conservatives and liberals to make better America.
The speaker tells us that we need to learn openness that is a commitment to a certain set of values and sharing activities. The Right side has to learn values on the Left that will do health care or global warming legislation or something.

However, not mixing but completely, separating the situation is current America after electing Trump and the next election comes soon. We are worried whether it’s continuing or not.

The speaker was a person who gave up announced his candidacy because Trump did. I want the speaker to assist Trump to make great America again. I'm sorry for expressing my mind too much.

"Don’t be junk that flows across the tubes in the internet" the speaker said in the story.

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