
Alex Edmans : What to trust in a "post-truth" world

Alex Edmans at TEDxLondon Business School  (transcript)
What to trust in a "post-truth" world
Although I couldn't understand the title, I made some sentences for understanding it.
I don't know about what to trust in "post-truth" world.  I can know about what to trust in a "post-truth" world because there is factual evidence.

Now, in our world, many people have smartphones in their hand thus they can know about a lot of things soon, though, they don't confirm whether those have evidence or not, even whether those are true or not and they make a judgment what is good and bad.
This is  a "post-truth" world

Those are only posted on the internet, though, people believe those. It leads to misunderstanding often. It means that a person who posts a fake news is a right person. However, a person who is posted by someone that he/she lies if it's not true becomes a bad person. The things and news go the same way.  People believe only one viewpoint without seeking others.
The speaker suggests that we listen to different experts say more different things.  We should not make decisions when we only see the number of likes and retweets.  It must mislead us. We have to know about what to trust in a "post-truth" world well.

Words in this story
disprove /verb/ prove that (something) is false.
dissent  /noun/  disagreement, difference of opinion

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