
Laura Boushnak: The deadly legacy of cluster bombs

TED 2016
Laura Boushnak: The deadly legacy of cluster bombs (script)
A cluster bomb is a large canister filled with bomblets. When it's dropped from the air, it opens up midair to release hundreds of bomblets. They scatter around wide areas but unexplored ones are just like landmines. If someone steps on them by accident, or picks  them up, or children mistakenly touch as toys, they can explode.
It's indiscriminately killing or hurting even when wars already ended. There are no differences between military targets or children. Nowadays, in the world, many children lost their hands or legs, and they are suffering. They can't go to school, can't find a job but can't afford prosthetic legs.  The suffering continues in their lifetime. In fact, we didn't know that this munition was dropped over without battlegrounds because it's dangerous to land with loaded planes. And then, there's an international treaty banning cluster bombs though the United States, Russia and China didn't join the treaty. They continue to produce cluster bombs. The speaker is a photographer. She shares her photos of people suffering from  cluster bomb and says that we have to stop having this weapon.
Words in this story
scatter / throw in various random directions. fly around.
munition / military stores
indiscriminately /  recklessly, without authority

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