
After Years on Death Row, Freed Man Helps Others

VOA news
After Years on Death Row, Freed Man Helps Others
It's difficult to judge others and to be judged. A person is othen tempted by human desires, money, emotion, race and religion. Many people think that the people have to conform to the justice system. It will be right, and it is difficult to change this system but in our crimnal justice system, the injustice might be going on.
This article is about man who had spent in jail for over 10 years in spite of he was being innocent but after he was cleared of the murder charges, he continued fighting to other people who are placed in the same situation and to change the justice system.
1. What do you think of this story?
This story is like the movies.  I felt very bitter and painful after reading this story. Anthony Graves spent in  jail over 10 years. It is too long for me to think. However, he is great to continue doing his mission. I think that many people hope that the same thing that is as misconduct  never happen again.
2. Are you satisfied with the justice system in your country?
No, I am not satisfied. It takes too much time until one case ends.
I think that we should have an opportunity to discuss about the justice system.  However, justice in Japan, sometimes Saiban-in (lay judges) are used. It means that selected citizens participate as judges in trials.  I don't think that this system has good judgements. And I think that Japanese people don't know how to contact well with attorneys .
3.If you can change the justice system in your country, what would it be?
I think that there are many cases that are related with much money.  I hope that it changes.

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