
Your Body Posture Can Change Your Brain

Your Body Posture Can Change Your Brain
My mother who was strict but she is kind, said in the past,
" The bad posture makes me ugly!" " Stay good posture!" That's why I chose this article.
My summary
This is the article from Amy Cuddy’s TED talk. This was a good one and the effort is also great.  She says " Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes."
If you need to feel more powerful you would be able to change your life. It is simple, free and might be life-changing. You only take two minutes to power pose. Spread your arms wide above your head as if you are winning a race.
If it is difficult for you to pose  just fake it.  Fake it till you make it. Then soon you would no longer feel like an imposter. You would become the person you want to be.
1.How do you think body posture affects our health?
Your posture or your posing affects your brain's chemistry.
Ahter lower-power posing when hormone cortisol levels are high it increases the risk of depression and mental health problems.
However after high-power posing when hormone testosterone increases it links to assertiveness and confidence.
2.What do you do to keep yourself from being stressed?
I eat chocolate when I am in difficult situations to change of my feeling pace.
I work harder because when I can't finish my work I am stressed.
And then I will get a good rest.
3.What are the effects of bad body posture?
During classes you are unsure and you can't raise your hands to answer questions.
You want to quit something or you feel as if you don't belong or you don't want to be there.
And then you do not have confidence.

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