Huang Hung·TED2020: The Prequel
How American and Chinese values shaped the coronavirus response
In the story, an interviewer is American, an answerer is Chinese, and the title is how American and Chinese values shaped the coronavirus response.
Furthermore, I’m Japanese, l thought that there is something that was wrong, and first, the interviewer mustn't have thought that values would be told.
You think that it’s strange from the part of the beginning, don’t you?
First, the answerer said that she went to Paris, and invited friends who had flu and who went to Australia...
In China, coronaviruses must have been spreading already since December. Thus the speaker must have known that she shouldn’t go out. 1)
That time, already, the number of deaths has been high, though, she is not serious and she is optimistic. 2)
When lockdown happens, Chinese people are OK. It’s because they seem to be used to do historically and culturally. 3)
It’s safer for Chinese to has been scanned always. 4)
In a pandemic, the most horrifying things come out of nationalistic sentiments. 5)
And then the story of Dr.Li was really interesting. He raised the alarm the coronavirus, though, people tried to him demonize and he was said a whistleblower. He died because he contracted the disease, Chinese people let him go from a doctor who misbehaved to the hero who warned the people, though, they don’t want to change the system. It means that the government is right. 6)
The last words of the answerer were that the virus was not discriminating against anyone...
The story can help the world from coronaviruses, can’t it?
I strongly believe that the Japanese strategy against coronaviruses is the best in the world.
1) The number of deaths is much fewer.
2) The number of infected people is also fewer.
3) Not to try to test because it leads to medical professionals to dying and spreading clusters.
4) Japan just made a request to only go outside for essential things. It’s not a lockdown, though, citizens have been following well.
5 )A mild symptom of patients can use Hotels and other facilities not to infect others and to leave beds of hospitals for serious patients.
6) Not to publish the names is to protect privacies, though, teams are checking infection routes.
7) There is no cheating in counting in Japan.
Just, Japanese citizens and can’t tell the world that fewer testing has really good results strongly with courage. We, Japanese, have to win against media, create strong our country Japan, and go to the world to help other countries. We don’t have time to fight each other.
Words in this story
Quai “乖” /Chinese characters/
complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive to another's will.
mandate /noun/ command, order
an·tag·o·nis·tic /anˌtaɡəˈnistik/adj/ showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something, unfriendly
whistleblower / one who reveals wrongdoing or informs authorities about a misconduct