Anjan Chatterjee at TEDMED 2016
How your brain decides what is beautiful
In fact, I've read a book about why people are attracted by beauty. The book told the same things to this article and knock me down.
In the article, the speaker’s explanation of how your brain decided what is beautiful has been that it relates to averaging,1) symmetry 2) and hormones. 3)
Those parameters seem to make your face attractive. It seems to be for feeling adaptability to an environment, genetic diversity and health and leads to leaving species.
Therefore, not only men but also women typically find beauty and as reproductive advantages, it’s realized and it’s universal. Our brains unconsciously respond to attractive faces and have been printed in beauty is good for a long time. 4) There are shockingly many social effects of beauty for attractive people who are looked more intelligent, are given higher pay, and are given lesser punishments, you know, even when such judgments are not warranted.
The speaker apologizes about his explanation that might be lacking and inappropriate but tells us that it's printed in disfigured is bad also. 5) It means that with media, we can't treat people fairly and unconditionally.
This is the thing that I get from the article about how our brain decides what is beautiful. His last words have been that beauty is changing and the selection criteria for reproductive success from that time doesn't really apply today, life was nasty, brutish from a very long time ago, though.
My thought is that now also, life must be nasty and brutish because men and women seek beauty strongly with businesses, media, and the internet.
It's without end and a man who says that it's not necessary to help ugly people appears. Its ugly meaning included not to have a job, not to be marred, and not to have babies.
I who am not beautiful and not having babies is needless, aren't I?
The question has made me worried, even I've gotten a great answer.
In fact, we living now is really special and human species is very fragile that is the same as other species had been extinct already, thus it's said that diversity is important. For leaving human species, we have to cooperate to protect and help all.
This is the amazing answer, though, I couldn't feel that our behavior is right. I don’t think that the story is changing.
Words in this story
ping /verb/ silent g/ make or cause to make a ping.
nasty /adj/ dirty, unclean
brutish /adj/ mean, beastly